Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/280

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264 CASPAR NETSCHER SECT. turned to the right, and leans her right arm on a table, covered with a Persian carpet, which stands on the extreme left. In her left hand, which rests on her lap, is a paper which an old maid-servant with a white cap, who stands behind to the right, has brought her. The lady wears a low dress with short sleeves from under which come the puffed sleeves of her chemisette, a soft transparent veil covering her bosom and shoulders, and pearls in her ears and hair. Panel, 19 inches by 15! inches. In the possession of the Paris dealers Steinmeyer and Bourgeois. In the collection of Max Flersheira, Paris. 386. PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG LADY. Sm. Suppl. 20. Three-quarter length ; seated, with her head inclined to the right. Her right hand, which hangs down, holds a flower j her left arm rests on a stone balustrade over which falls on the extreme right a blue drapery with a gold pattern. Beside her to the left a little boy in a greyish-yellow dress brings a dish of fruit. The lady wears a purple silk dress, cut low at the neck, with a light yellow wrap which is thrown over the left shoulder and fastened at the bosom with a pearl brooch. She has pearls in her ears and at her throat. In the background to the left is a park with a large vase and a marble figure. Signed in full on the right at foot, and dated 1682 ; transferred from panel to canvas, 22 inches by i8j inches. In the collection of Count Brtlhl. In the Hermitage Palace, St. Petersburg, 1901 catalogue, No. 884. 387. PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG LADY. Half-length. She stands, with her head inclined to the right, behind a stone balustrade adorned with a relief and hung with a gay carpet. She leans her left arm on the balustrade and holds in both hands a garland of roses of varied hue. She wears a brown velvet dress and a blue silk wrap, with pearls. In the background to the right is a wall sculptured in relief and partly covered with a yellow drapery ; in the distance to the left is a garden. Signed in full on the edge of the balustrade, and dated 1676 ; transferred from panel to canvas, 22 inches by i8j inches. In the collection of Count Briihl. In the Hermitage Palace, St. Petersburg, 1901 catalogue, No. 885. 388. Portrait of a Fair Young Lady. She sits in an arm-chair, turned to the left. She wears a white silk dress, a yellow wrap which is fastened at the bosom with a diamond brooch, and a pearl necklace. Behind her to the right is a yellow silk drapery ; to the left is a window with a view of a garden in which is a female figure of marble. Probably genuine. Transferred from panel to canvas, 28 inches by 21 inches. In the Bachmann collection, Berlin ; acquired for St. Petersburg in 1769 or 1770. In the Hermitage Palace, St. Petersburg, 1901 catalogue, No. 886. 389. PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG LADY. She stands, leaning