Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/285

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XVIII CASPAR NETSCHER 269 399^. Portrait of a Lady. 15^ inches by 12 inches. Sale. P. L. de Neufville, Amsterdam, June 19, 1765 (Terw. 473), No. 67 (10 florins 15, Mesche). 400. Portrait of a Lady. Half-length. Bold but careful in style. The lighting is finely rendered. Canvas, 19 inches by 15^ inches. Sale. Amsterdam, September 17, 1766 (Terw. 572), No. 38 but No. 57 of the original catalogue (66 florins, J. M. Kok). 400*7 and b. Two Portraits of Ladies. In the collection of Jan Tedingh van Berckhout, Delft ; mentioned in an inventory of October 2, 1766 noted by A. Bredius. 401. Portrait of a Lady. Three-quarter length. She sits, leaning on her right arm, in a landscape. She wears a white silk dress and a pink wrap, which she holds in a graceful fashion with her left hand. Well drawn and finely rendered. [Pendant to 402.] Canvas, 19 inches by 15^ inches. Sale. Capello, Amsterdam, May 8, 1767 (Terw. 590), No. 51 (160 florins, with pendant, Fouquet). 402. Portrait of a Lady in a Pearly White Silk Dress. Three-quarter length. She sits holding in one hand a spray of flowers to which she adds with the other hand. She has a blue striped wrap. To the right, and a little way back, is a fountain with a childish figure. Finely drawn and executed. [Pendant to 401.] Canvas, 19 inches by 15 J inches. Sale. Capello, Amsterdam, May 8, 1767 (Terw. 590), No. 52 (160 florins, with pendant, Fouquet). 402*7. Portrait of a Lady. Full length. [Pendant to 332*7. Possibly identical with 411.] 19 inches by 15! inches. Sale. Jacob van Zaanen, The Hague, November 16, 1767 (Terw. 655), No. 60 (15 florins 10, with pendant, L. de Moni). 402^. Portrait of a Lady. Dated 1672. Sale. The Hague, April 29, 1769, No. E.E. 6 (10 florins). 4.02C. Portrait of a Richly Dressed Lady. Three-quarter length. Seated in a graceful attitude. Canvas, 19^ inches by 1 6 inches. Sale. J. G. Cramer, Amsterdam, November 13, 1769, No. 67 (u florins). 402*/. Portrait of a Lady seated in a Garden. Three-quarter length ; almost in full face. She wears a silk dress, and over it a wrap lined with fur. She is richly adorned with pearls and diamonds. A very good picture.