Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/289

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xvin CASPAR NETSCHER 273 41 ir. Portrait of a Lady in a Garden. Dated 1680 ; canvas, 20 inches by i6 inches. Sale. J. L. H. van Wassenaar van Ruyven and others, The Hague, May 21, 1790, No. 15 (4 florins, Kijzer). 411^. Portrait of a Comely Lady in an Elegant Silk Dress with a Parrot. She sits beside a table with a cover, on which stands a dish of fruit. In her left hand she holds a parrot ; in her right hand is a bunch of grapes. At the back is a garden. Very natural and well painted. Panel, 13 inches by 10 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, April 16, 1792, No. 63 (15 florins). 412. Portrait of a Young Lady in a Rich Dress. Full length, with the head turned a little to one side, in a garden with a fountain. She stretches out her right hand to take a rose which a negro boy offers her in a basket with other flowers. Her left hand is on her lap. A blue silk wrap is wound round her right arm and fastened on her left shoulder with a pearl brooch ; she has a yellow silk skirt. Dark back- ground. Very finely and naturally painted. [Probably identical with 407.] Panel, 23^ inches by 15 J inches. Sale. J. F. Motte, Amsterdam, August 20, 1794, No. 81 (65 florins, Yver). 412*7. Portrait of a Lady. [Pendant to 336.] Sale. C. A. de Calonne, London, March 23, 1795, No. 36 (18 : i8s., with pendant) see Buchanan, i. 230. 41 2^. Portrait of a Comely Young Lady in a Rich Dress. She stands in a garden at a fountain, taking up water in her hand. Very finely painted. Canvas, 19^ inches by 15^ inches. Sale. Amsterdam, September 13, 1797, No. 106 (10 florins 10, Reyers). 41 2.c. Portrait of an Old Lady. Both hands are shown. Life size or full length. Very natural. [Pendant to 3340.] Canvas. Sale. The dowager Madame Suasso, The Hague, April 24, 1 800, No. 50 (20 florins, Ozorio). 412^. Portrait of a Lady. Seated in a garden, amusing herself with flowers. Dated 1680 ; canvas, 2i inches by 18 inches. Sale.G. C. Blanken, The Hague, June 4, 1800, No. n (13 florins 15, with 412^, Bakhuizen). 41 2*. Portrait of a Young Girl in White Silk. She stands in a garden. Canvas, i8| inches by 16 inches. Sale.G. C. Blanken, The Hague, June 4, 1800, No. 12 (13 florins 15, with 412^, Bakhuizen). VOL. V T