Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/298

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282 CASPAR NETSCHER SECT. Signed ; canvas, 21 1 inches by 17! inches. In the Holland! collection, Brunswick, 1864 (Parthey, ii. 188). 428^. Portrait of a Young Girl. In the Luisium, Dessau, 1864 (Parthey, ii. 191). 428*. Portrait of a Lady of Rank in White Satin. With a black page. Canvas. In the Hoser collection, Prague, 1864 (Parthey, ii. 189). 428/ Portrait of a Queen. A miniature. Sale. A. H. Deckens and others, Amsterdam, May 23, 1865, No. 156 (43 florins 50, Houte). 429. Portrait of a Lady of Rank. Half-length ; seen in full face. She moistens her fingers in a fountain to the right. She wears a light silk dress, cut low at the neck, and over it a simple cloak of embroidered brocade. Her neck and arms are bare. She wears pearls at her throat and in her ears. Her fine hair frames her face. The fountain is adorned with a Cupid. Signed in full on the basin of the fountain, and dated 1680 ; canvas, 21 inches by 18 inches. Sale. A. J. Essingh, Cologne, September 18, 1865, No. 214. 430. Portrait of a Comely Lady of Rank. She looks scarcely twenty years of age. Half life size ; seen in full face. She sits resting her left arm on a table with a coloured cover. Her fine hair, lightly powdered, falls in curls on her bare neck. Under her becoming blue dress is seen the edge of the white chemisette covering her bosom. The dress is fastened by a string of pearls in front. Her slashed sleeves are adorned with pearls, leaving the forearms bare. In the right background is a large yellow drapery with tassels. To the left is a park. A masterpiece. Canvas, 22 inches by i6| inches. Sale. A. J. Essingh, Cologne, September 18, 1865, No. 215. 430*7. Portrait of a Lady. She sits in a velvet arm-chair at the foot of a column at the entrance to a park. She wears a loose silk dress over which is thrown a plain red drapery. Her face, with a delicate complexion, is framed in her long fair wavy hair. Panel, 16 inches by 13^ inches. Sale. J. J. Chapuis, Brussels, December 4, 1865, No. 289. 430^. Portrait of a Lady of Rank. In a handsome dress with a plumed hat. Canvas, 15 inches by 14 inches. Sale. J. J. Chapuis, Brussels, December 4, 1865, No. 289. 430^. Portrait of a Lady. In a rich dress. Seen in full face. Canvas, 16 inches by 12 inches. Sale. J. J. Chapuis, Brussels, December 4, 1865, No. 513.