Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/329

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xix GODFRIED SCHALCKEN 313 3. With a light, but not further described, 219-226^ c. Children, 227-2301?. d. Sex not stated, 2^qf. ii. Several figures (adults), 231-275*-. a. Work, 231-238*7. 1. Intellectual work, 231-233^, 233</. 2. Manual work, 233*% 233<?-234^. 3. Toilet, 235. 4. Tending children, 236. 5. Lighting a candle, 237-238*7. b. Recreation, 239-27212. 1. Sleep, 239-241*7. 2. Smoking, 242-244. 3. Playing cards or backgammon, 244/2-246. 4. Music, 247-249. 5. Love-making or flirtation, 250-269. a. Scenes of gallantry, 250-262*7. (3. Love-letters, 263-269. 6. Conversation, 270-272/7. c. Work or recreation, imperfectly described, 272^-275*-. Hi. Children, 276-279^. VII. PORTRAITS, 280-38 if. A. Known persons, 280-333^. 1. The artist and his wife, 280-286*-. 2. Other known persons (alphabetically), 287-333^. B. Unknown persons, 334-381^ 1. Men, 334-351^. 2. Women, 352-379. 3. Children, 380-38 if. VIII. ANIMALS, 382-383. IX. STILL-LIFE, 384-385*7. X. PICTURES IMPERFECTLY DESCRIBED OR UNDESCRIBED, 385^-385^.