Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/352

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33 6 GODFRIED SCHALCKEN SECT. Engraved by A. L. Zeelander, in the Recueil Steengracht, No. 28. Sales. Gerard van Sypes (that is, Everard van Sypestein), Utrecht, April n, 1714 (Hoet, i. 172), No. 4 (458 florins, with pendant). Adriaan Bout, The Hague, August n, 1733 (Hoet, i. 390), No. 75 (930 florins, with pendant). (Probably) Count Fraula, Brussels, July 21, 1738 (Hoet, i. 534), No. 182 (46 florins). In the Palace at Loo, 1763 inventory, No. 104. In the collection of William V., Stadtholder (Terw. 710). In the Royal Gallery, The Hague, 1907 catalogue, No. 160. 93. AN ALLEGORY OF CHASTITY. An old woman warns a young girl who is letting a bird, the symbol of chastity, escape from a casket. On the right a young man tries to persuade the girl to let the bird fly away. He makes a threatening gesture at the old woman, and offers her a beaten silver jug. A copy with variations is in Baron Bruckenthal's Museum, Hermannstadt, 1909 catalogue, No. 1021 ; the figure of the young man is wanting. In the Schonborn-Buchheim collection, Vienna; Von Frimmel's 1896 catalogue, p. 83. 93*. A Woman's Figure as an Allegory. Sale. Amsterdam, September 25, 1743 (Hoet, ii. 125), No. 20 (30 florins). 93^. Modesty and Pride. In the background, the fall of Icarus. 22| inches by 34 inches. Sale. Rotterdam, July 20, 1768, No. 140. 94. An Allegory of this Transitory World. Sm. 100. A fine female figure with wings and a garland holds in her right hand a blazing torch and in her left a mussel-shell full of soapy water and a soap-bubble. Behind her in the distance is a rough sea with a storm -tossed ship. Described as an allegory of the four elements in the Verhulst catalogue. Canvas, u| inches by 9 inches. Sales. (Probably) E. G. van Tindinghorste, Amsterdam, March 26, 1777, No. 64 (201 florins, Schley). G. F. J. de Verhulst, Brussels, August 16, 1779, No. 172 (100 florins, the Danish envoy). 95. A Nude Woman with a Blue Veil. She sits beside a spring which comes out of a rock. In the background is a wood. Canvas, 24^ inches by 20^ inches. Sale. The widow of S. A. Westerhof, born Van der Schagen, Amsterdam, May 1 6, 1781, No. 50 (16 florins). 96. An Allegory of the Vanity of the World. Sm. 32. An angel flying up to the clouds with a rose on his head holds a pipe in his right hand and a shell in his left hand, for blowing bubbles. He looks at a bubble which floats towards a blazing torch and a skull. Very finely rendered. [Pendant to 70.] Panel, 7^ inches by 6| inches.