Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/358

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34 2 GODFRIED SCHALCKEN SECT. left beside a table, turned to the right. He holds in his left hand a mask, in the mouth of which he puts his right forefinger. Behind him to the left is a brown curtain. At the back is a dark grey wall, on which hangs a picture. Signed in full on the edge of the table; panel, I2| inches by 10 inches. A copy was in the sale : Professor W. A. Freund and others, Amsterdam, February 20, 1906, No. 138. From Salzdahlum. In the Brunswick Gallery, 1900 catalogue, No. 322. 115. A Handsome and Well-Dressed Youth with a Sparrow in his Left Hand. He rests his right hand on a stone balustrade, upon which lies a red cloth, and holds a pot full of sparrows. In front of him lies a plumed hat. Beyond is another room. Very finely rendered. Panel, 14 inches by u inches. Sales. J. B. Krauth and others, The Hague, October 7, 1771, No. 6 (235 florins, Bergeon). Amsterdam, April 17, 1783, No. 200 (15 florins, Drekman). J. Bergeon, The Hague, November 4, 1789 (31 florins). Amsterdam, June 21, 1797, No. 193 (85 florins, Texier). 1151?. An Old Man with a Fur Cloak. Sale. (Elias van der Hoeven ?) Rotterdam, July 20, 1768, No. 95. 116. THE HERRING WOMAN. Sm. 24. At a semi-circular window stands a comely young woman in front of a tub of herrings. She leans her right hand on the tub, and holds up a herring in her left hand. Signed in full on the left ; panel, 7! inches by 6 inches. In the collection of Count van Wassenaar, 1752 (Hoet, ii. 402). Sales. J. H. Count van Wassenaar, Amsterdam, October 25, 1769, No. 38 (125 florins, Fouquet). Lambert ten Kate, Amsterdam, May 29, 1776, No. 112 (502 florins, Pothoven). In the Van Winter collection. In the collection of Six van Vromade, Amsterdam ; bought with other pictures for the Rijksmuseum early in 1908. In the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 1911 catalogue, No. 2144^. 117. AN OLD WOMAN. She stands, turned to the right, at an open arched window. She wears eye-glasses and a black and yellow gown. With her right hand she scours a copper pan which she holds firmly with her left hand against the stonework. To the left, beside the pan, are the bottom of a broken earthenware jug, a brass candlestick, a spoon, and other objects. On the stonework to the right is a butterfly. Signed in full j panel, n inches by 8| inches. Exhibited at the British Institution, London, 1861, No. 20. In the collection of Wynn Ellis, London, 1861 ; bequeathed to the National Gallery, 1876. In the National Gallery, London, 1911 catalogue, No. 997. A Girl peeling Potatoes.