Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/382

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Panel, 12 inches by 14 inches. Sale, Stiels and others, Cologne, May 24, 1897, No. 213. 192*. A Maid-Servant fetching a Jug of Beer from the Cellar. She is just carrying a lighted lamp into the cellar. Copper, 15 inches by io| inches. Sales. Price and others, London, May 6, 1893, No. 130. ZUrcher and others, Amsterdam, March i, 1898, No. 42. 193. THE COOK. Sm. Suppl. 3. She stands, seen in full face, at a table. She holds a lighted candle and an earthenware pan on its edge with one hand, and a wooden spoon in the other. A bunch of onions lies on the table. An attractive picture. [Pendant to 197^.] Oval panel, 6 inches by 5^ inches. Exhibited at the British Institution, London, 1838, No. 70. Sale. Vassal, Paris, January 17, 1774, No. 49 (500 francs, with pendant). In the collection of Charles Bredel, London, 1838 ; and in 1842 (Sm.). Sale. Mieville, London, April 29, 1899, No. 81 (94: ios.). 1930. A Woman selling Fish. By candlelight. Panel, 18 inches by 13 inches. Sale. G. Donaldson and others, London, July 6, 1901, No. 88. 193^. An Old Woman counting Money. She sits behind a table, by candlelight. Finely coloured ; a characteristic work of the master. Panel, 12 inches by 9^ inches. Sale. Frankfort-on-Main, November 28, 1905, No. 113*. 193^. A Young Girl putting a Candle into a Large Hand- Lantern. Half-length. Canvas, 30 inches by 23! inches. Sale. E and A , Munich, December 5, 1911, No. 188. 194. A YOUNG LADY IN RED SEWING. A young lady sits on the right at a table. She is turned three-quarters left and holds a pillow on her lap. She holds her material with the left hand and plies her needle with the right. On a wooden stand to the left of her is a lighted candle. At her feet, to the right, is a work-basket. On the extreme left, below a large curtain, is a chair. Panel, i6| inches by 13 inches. In the Uffizi, Florence, 1910 catalogue, No. 934. 195. GIRL THREADING A NEEDLE BY CANDLE- LIGHT. Sm. 28. She sits in profile, leaning on a table. In front of her is a lighted candle, beside a small work-box. "An admirable example of the master " (Sm.). Panel, y| inches by 6 inches. Engraved by Le Tellier in the Poullain Gallery. Sales. Hendrik van der Vugt, Amsterdam, April 27, 1745 (Hoet, ii. 158), No. 25 (126 florins, Quinkhard).