Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/384

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3 68 GODFRIED SCHALCKEN SECT. has a red and blue pattern. The curtains of the bed to right and left are red. Translator. ] Signed "G. S." ; canvas, 15 inches by 13 inches. Sale. (Possibly) J. Domisse, Middelburg, March 31, 1773, No. 174. In the collection of Archibald M'Lellan, Glasgow ; bought by the city, May 1856. In the Glasgow Arc Gallery, 1911 catalogue, No. 901. 200. A Sleeping Girl. By candlelight. Copper. In the collection of Count Czernin von Chudenitz, Vienna, No. 279. 2OO<7. A Comely Woman asleep. She sits asleep at a table with a cloth hanging down. On the table is a lighted candle near a book. An effective picture. Sale. Amsterdam, June 22, 1814, No. 45. 2Oo. A Comely Girl in a Nightdress. She holds a candlestick with a lighted candle, and is apparently going to bed. Finely rendered. Panel, 7^ inches by 5 inches. Sales. Amsterdam, August 6, 1816, No. 69. Amsterdam, April 29, 1817, No. 89 (n florins). 200<r. A Woman asleep. By candlelight. Very finely rendered. Panel, 9^ inches by 6 inches. Sale. O. Reyers, Arnhem, August 6, 1827, No. 86 (2 florins, Prins). 200^. An Old Woman warming her Hands at the Fire. In the collection of Dr. Motz, Bremen, 1864 (Parthey, ii. 503). 2ooda. An Old Woman warming her Hands. [Pendant to i8oc.] Panel, 14^ inches by n| inches. Sale. Paris, November 30, 1911, No. 65. 200*. An Old Woman with a Lighted Candle. She says grace before supper. Panel, io| inches by 8 inches. Sa/t.M. Wolff, Berlin, May 25, 1857, No. 161. 201. A YOUNG LADY EATING AN APPLE. Sm. Suppl. 1 6. She sits, turned to the left, at a table, by candlelight. She is raising a slice of apple on the point of a knife to her mouth with her right hand. She looks at the spectator. In her left hand is the apple. The peel lies beside the candlestick. Farther back on the table is a basket of apples, half hidden by a red curtain. In the left foreground lies an embroidered carpet. [Pendant to 168.] Signed in full on the left at foot ; panel, 12^ inches by 9^ inches. Sa/f. Johan van Schuylenburch, The Hague, September 20, 1735 (Hoet, i. 451), No. 60 (250 florins, Boetens).