Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/392

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37 6 GODFRIED SCHALCKEN SECT. 225*. A Young Lady holding a Lighted Candle. Half- length. Sa/f.De R , Paris, April 18, 1865, No. 13. 225/ A Woman by Candlelight. Panel, 9^ inches by 6 inches. Sale. P. van Arnhem, Groningen, September 24, 1868, No. 282. 225^. A Woman with a Lighted Candle. Sale. London, July 16, 1869, No. 12. 225^. Head of a Girl with a Light. Canvas, 15 inches by i2j inches. Sale. Furstenberg and others, Cologne, August 6,1877, No. 101. 225;. A Girl holding a Candle before her. Half-length, in a green dress. Canvas, 20 inches by 15! inches. Sale. Krupp the younger and others, Cologne, October 29, 1894, No. 361. 2257. A Girl illumined by a Candle which she holds. 1 6 inches by 13^ inches. Sale. Wedewer of Wiesbaden, Cologne, May I, 1899, No. 421. 225*. An Old Woman with a Lighted Candle. At a table on which are an hour-glass and a skull. 27 inches by 22 inches. Sale. Wedewer of Wiesbaden, Cologne, May I, 1899, No. 423. 226. A Girl by Lamplight. She sits at a table, holding with her left hand a lamp standing before her. She holds up her right hand to shade the light. Signed in full ; panel, 7! inches by 5| inches. Sale. A. Langen, Munich, June 5, 1879, No. 80. 226a. A Girl holding a Candle. Sale. Wilmot and others, London, July 9, 1900, No. 61. 226^. A Woman by Candlelight. Seated at a table. Panel, 13 inches by io inches. Sale. Cope and others, London, December 12, 1903, No. 41. 22bc. A Girl holding a Candle. 29 inches by 23! inches. Sale. H. C. Wells and others, London, February 27, 1909, No. 146. 226J. A Girl with a Lamp. Copper. Sale. Earl of Derby, London, May 27, 1909, No. 62.