Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/398

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3 8 2 GODFRIED SCHALCKEN SECT. with the Van Heteren collection in 1809, and, secondly, because the "Peasant lighting his Pipe at a Candle" (185) of the Caudri sale is described as a picture of a single figure and as measuring only 1 1 inches by 8| inches. In the collection of A. L. van Heteren, The Hague, 1752 (Hoet, ii. 459) ; bought in 1809 for the Rijksmuseum. In the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 1911 catalogue, No. 2144. 244. THE SMOKER. A young man lights his pipe at a tallow candle which a woman holds out to him. Half-length. Panel, 9 inches by 7 inches. In the Darmstadt Museum, 1885 catalogue, No. 423. 244/7. Two Persons playing Cards. Candlelight. A very attractive picture. Canvas, 8| by io| inches. Sale. J. Domisse, Middelburg, March 31, 1773, No. 171. 245. A Party playing Cards. A lady and two gentlemen sit at a table by candlelight. An expressive night-piece. Canvas, 40 inches by 54 inches. In the Kassel Academy, 1783 inventory, No. 98 : but not now at Kassel. 2450. A Party of Backgammon-Players. Candlelight. Panel, 10 inches by 7^ inches. In the Amalienstift, Dessau, 1864 (Parthey, ii. 501) ; but not now in the collection. 246. Interior with Backgammon- Players. In an old Dutch room dimly lighted by two candles four peasants sit playing backgammon. One of them, seen from the back, stands out dark against the others, on whom the light falls. In the left background, by the fire, stands a peasant smoking ; another man hands him a glass. Panel, 12 inches by 10 inches. Sales. Stevens, Antwerp, August 9, 1837, No. 144 (i 10 francs, Callenberg). D'Eve and others, Cologne, March 20, 1899, No. 133. 247. The Sportsman singing. Three-quarter length. He sits at a table with the game in his bag. He holds a jug in his right hand and lifts up his full goblet in his left hand. He sings with mouth wide open to the playing of a man with bagpipes, who stands behind the table. A lamp standing on the table illumines the group. Panel, 8 inches by 6 inches. Sale. E. Lanfranconi of Pressburg, Cologne, October 21, 1895, No. 182 (265 mark). 248. The Little Musicians. A troop of child-musicians stands under the window of an old woman, who seems to be laughing with them. One child wears a plumed cap and plays a drum. Panel, 9^ inches by 8| inches. Engraved in mezzotint by Pether. Sale. Sir George Page of London, and others, Paris, 1786 see Ch. Blanc, ii. 109.