Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/424

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4 o8 GODFRIED SCHALCKEN SECT. 348*7. Portrait of a Gentleman. Half-length, turned slightly to the left ; in a black coat. 20 inches by 1 6 inches. Sale, Wedewer of Wiesbaden, Cologne, May I, 1899, No. 424. 349. PORTRAIT OF A MIDDLE-AGED GENTLEMAN. In a grey coat with a cloak. Signed in full, and dated 1701 ; oval, 34! inches high. Sale. Heeswijk, 's Hertogenbosch, October 2, 1901, No. 1266. 349*. Head of a Youth. Copper, 5^ inches by 4 inches. Sale. J. Seguier and others, London, February 7, 1903, No. 85. 349^. Portrait of a Gentleman of Rank. Half- length, turned to the right. In a red coat with a turban. Panel, 7^ inches by 6% inches. Sales. Henry Doetsch, London, June 22, 1895, No. 440. H. Quilter, London, April 7, 1906, No. 135. 350. PORTRAIT OF A PROFESSOR. [Pendant to 377.] Canvas, oval, 22 inches by 18 inches. Sale. Jos. Monchen and others, Amsterdam, April 30, 1907, No. 476. 351. Portrait of a Man. Half-length. He wears a blue coat em- broidered with gold, and over it a dark silk cloak with a copper-coloured lining. At his neck and wrists is fine lace. His abundant hair falls on his shoulders. Probably a false signature ; oval panel, 12 inches by 10 inches. Sales. Heymel, Berlin, November 5, 1889, No. n. H. Emden of Hamburg, Berlin, May 3, 1910, No. 39. 351*7. Portrait of a Young Man with a Candle. Half-length. Panel, 8 inches by 6 inches. Sale. Richter, Lohmeyer, and others, Cologne, May 29, 1911, No. 85. 35i/>. Portrait of a Young Gentleman. He is almost in full face, but turned a little to the right, and he looks at the spectator. He has fair curls and a small moustache with turned-up ends. He wears a black cap. A good portrait. Signed " G. S." Sale. J. Bosscha and others, Amsterdam, November 28, 1911, No. 147. 352. PORTRAIT OF AN OLD LADY. She sits in a large arm-chair, turned a little to the right. She wears a black cap, a black velvet dress, and a white collar. Her right hand, holding her handker- chief, is on her bosom ; her left hand is on the arm of the chair. At the back is a curtain draped on a column. To the left is a view into the open air. Signed in full on the left at the foot of the column, and dated 1677 ; canvas, 14^ inches by 12 inches. In the Suermondt Museum, Aachen, 1883 catalogue, No. 127.