Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/448

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43 2 PIETER VAN SLINGELAND SECT. a cradle with a yellow cloth ; to the right is a dog. At the back are a chimney-piece and a picture. A cage hangs from the ceiling. The picture has been much damaged. Cf. 34. Panel, 19! inches by 15 inches. In the Schloss Altstadt, Kassel, 1783 inventory, No. 17. In the Malmaison collection. In the collection cf" Maximilian, King of Bavaria, as a Dou ; and sold as a Dou at Munich, 1826. In the Royal collection, Buckingham Palace, London, 1885 catalogue, No. 27. 34. THE LACE - MAKER. Sm. 21. In a homely room a woman sits making lace on a pillow in her lap. She wears a black cap, a dark grey jacket, and a red skirt partly covered by a greenish-blue apron. Beside her, on a table with an olive-green cloth, is a vase of flowers. With accessories. Of very good quality, and delicately rendered. In composition and colour it is very nearly related to 33. Panel, 9 inches by i inches. Sales. D. de Jongh, Rotterdam, March 26, 1810, No. 34. Lapeyriere, Paris, April 14, 1817 (990 francs). Baron Nagell van Ampsen, The Hague, September 5, 1851, No. 60 (205 florins, Roos). In the collection of J. P. Pescatore, Paris; bequeathed in 1853 to Luxemburg. In the Pescatore Museum, Luxemburg, 1872 catalogue, No. 58. 35. A WOMAN SEWING. In a room a woman sits, turned three-quarters left, at the window. She looks at her sewing which lies in her lap. She wears a plain dark dress with a white collar and cap. Beside her to the left is a table with two books on it. To the right is a cradle in which a little child lies watching its mother. On a chair in the left foreground hangs a black hat. At the back a door leads into another room, where a maid -servant is at work. From the ceiling hangs a lantern. Panel, 19! inches by 15^ inches. Sale. J. van Beuningen, Amsterdam, May 13, 1716 (Hoet, i. 203), No. 69 (205 florins). In the collection of the Royal house of Bavaria, from which it passed in 1835 to the Bavarian State. In the Aeltere Pinakothek, Munich, 1904 catalogue, No. 427 ; in the store-room since 1910. 35*. A Woman spinning and an Old Man. - - A woman spinning and an old man seated. A small picture. Sales. Amsterdam, March 2, 1734, No. 26. Cornelis van Essen, Amsterdam, February 21, 1736, No. 7. 35^. A Woman making Lace and a Boy with a Bird. A woman sits making lace. Near her is a boy holding a bird. 17^ inches by 14 inches.