Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/460

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444 PIETER VAN SLINGELAND SECT. wash clothes in a tub at the back. Among the various things in the room are a copper dish, a broom, a cask, an overturned pewter pot, and so on. The execution is extremely delicate. Panel, 1 6 inches by 14 inches. Sales. Baron Schonborn, Amsterdam, April 16, 1738 (Hoet, i. 508), No. 29 but No. 30 of the original catalogue (690 florins). Dubois, Paris, December 7, 1840 (4700 francs). Edwards, Paris, May 25, 1905, No. 41. In the possession of the Paris dealer C. Sedelmeyer, "Catalogue of 100 Paintings," 1911, No. 38. 78. A WOMAN WITH A CAT AND A MOUSE. See Sm. 39. A woman in blue satin stands on a table on which is a cat. She holds a mouse by the tail, and the cat watches it, ready to spring. On the table is a mouse-trap ; near it lie books of music. On the wall hangs a guitar. According to the sale-catalogue of 1739, the woman was painted by Willem van Mieris, and the rest by Slingeland. The picture is assigned to W. van Mieris by Sm. under Mieris (Sm. Suppl. 52). It is mentioned with praise by Houbraken (iii. 162). Signed in full on the left, and also signed " Willem van Mieris," and dated 1693 on the right at top ; panel, 9 inches by 7^ inches. Pendant to a picture of a baker by W. van Mieris. Sales. Amsterdam, April 15, 1739 (Hoet, i. 580), No. 79 (101 florins). Jan Jacob Brants, Amsterdam, April 20, 1813, No. 26 (401 florins, Yver). In the Steengracht collection, The Hague ; it was there in 1842 (Sm.). 79. A Domestic Scene by Candlelight. In the centre of a rustic interior a mother sits with her infant in her lap. To the right is her spinning-wheel. On the left a broom is leaning against a piece of furniture, on which are some carrots and a copper dish. From the background comes an old woman carrying a lighted lamp. From the ceiling hangs a bird-cage. Rendered with the greatest delicacy. Panel, 5^ inches by 4^ inches. Sale. L. B. Coders, Amsterdam, April 8, 1816, No. 101 (220 florins, Josi). 80. A Sleeping Woman. Beside a cradle in which lies a sleeping infant a woman with a lace-pillow on her lap has fallen asleep. A MS. note in the sale-catalogue, "S. v. Duifs 1671," possibly means that the signature of Steven van Duyven was on the picture. Panel, 17 inches by 14 inches. Sale. H. A. Wttewaal, Utrecht, March 30, 1775, No. 18 (400 florins, De Koning). 8 1. A Young Couple asleep. The woman leans on the infant's cradle. The man bends forward with his arm on a stool, upon which stands a bowl of pap for the new-born child. At the back a maid-servant holds out her apron to catch a ham which a stable-boy standing on a ladder is taking down. A cat and a dog, taking advantage of the master's sleep, steal from two dishes.