Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/462

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446 PIETER VAN SLINGELAND SECT. cupboard hangs the portrait of Admiral Tromp. Under it are an earthen- ware bottle, a loaf, and butter. Attractive and simple in arrangement. Signed on the bottle ; panel, 9 inches by 8 inches. Sales. De Quarles, Amsterdam, October 19, 1818, No. 47 (400 florins, Hulswit). Amsterdam, May 14, 1832, No. 88 (360 florins). Jelgerhuis and Saportas, Amsterdam, December 12, 1836, No. 49 (Lamberts). 87*. A Youth at a Table holding a Goblet. Salt. Amsterdam, April 27, 1847, No. 6. 88. Interior of a Cottage. Sm. 22. Several figures in a cottage. A child saying grace is especially prominent. A dog and various objects are in the room. " An exception to the artist's usual manner of painting, being freely handled and vigorous in colour and effect" (Sm.). Panel, 1 6 inches by 12 inches. Sale. R. Bernal, London, 1824 (73 : ios.). In the collection of Sir Robert Peel, Bart., London, 1829 (Sm.) ; it was there in 1854 (Waagen, i. 402), but is not now in the National Gallery. 89. A Young Girl eating Broth. A little peasant girl, seated with an earthenware pot in her lap and a spoon in her hand, interrupts her meal to smile. At the back is a cupboard. In front is a table. Signed on the left with an illegible signature of an unusual kind ; canvas, 6 inches by 4^ inches. Sale. F. Delessert, Paris, March 15, 1869, No. 83 (700 francs). 90. The Little Gourmands. A little boy, wearing a broad-brimmed hat, has dipped his spoon in a pot of broth and is putting it to his mouth ; but a little girl grasps his arm and claims her share. On the floor round them lie cooking utensils. Panel, 6| inches by 6 inches. Exhibited in the Dutch Exhibition, Brussels, 1882, No. 223. Sale. Ruelens, Brussels, April 17, 1883, No. 247. 90*7. A Man smoking at a Table. He smokes his pipe placidly. Of a delicacy which equals Dou. Panel, 5| inches by 4 inches. Sale. F. J. O. Boymans, Utrecht, August 31, 1811, No. A. 80. 91. A Young Man lighting his Pipe. Sm. 26. He wears a dressing-gown and a picturesque cap. He sits at a table, lighting his pipe at a candle held in his left hand. Many accessories. In all respects as good as a picture by Dou. " Admirably painted " (Sm.). Signed, and dated 1684 ; panel, 8 inches by 6| inches. Exhibited in London, 1837, No. 134 ; and at Leeds, 1868, No. 633. In the collection of A. de la Court van der Voort, Leyden. Sale. Catharina Backer, widow of A. de la Court, Leyden, September 8, 1766 (Terw. 545), No. 21 (480 florins, De Winter).