Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/465

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xx PIETER VAN SLINGELAND 449 the knees. Her head and throat are adorned with pearls. She holds a lute in her left hand, and with her right hand turns the page of a music- book lying on the table before her. A fine cabinet-piece, which is in all respects uncommonly delicate and careful in execution. Panel, 9 inches by i inches. Sale. S. Stinstra, Amsterdam, March 26, 1783, No. 126 (120 florins, Yver ; bought in). 98.7. A Youth playing the Violin. In a courtyard. Good and delicately finished. Panel, 5 inches by 5 inches. Sales. H. Wannaar and others, Amsterdam, May 17, 1757, No. 56. Amsterdam, April 16, 1792, No. 82 (10 florins, Yver). 99. A Young Lady at Music. Sm. 14. She sits at a table, look- ing over a sheet of music. She holds a guitar in her left hand. Her hair is adorned with pearls. She wears a purple bodice and a yellow skirt trimmed with black lace. Near her are a vase of flowers and a carpet. Dated 1677 ; panel, 8 inches by 7 inches. In the collection of the Marechal de Noailles. Sale. Durney, Paris, June 21, 1797 (1300 francs). 990. A Comely Girl holding a Music - Book. Very finely rendered. Oval copper, inches by 4 inches. Sale. P. Fouquet, Amsterdam, April 13, 1801, No. 68. 99^. A Lady with a Lute. Salt. Bryan, May 7, 1804, London (.113). 100. A Young Lady playing the Guitar. She sits on a chair, with a music-book lying open on her lap. Her hair is curled, and her neck is covered with a lace kerchief. Her sleeves and her black gown are trimmed with lace. Her white satin skirt is shot with an apricot tint, and adorned with gold lace. A picture of the greatest delicacy and transparency. Oval panel, 3 inches by i inches. Sale. L. B. Coders, Amsterdam, August 7, 1811, No. 71 (240 florins, De Vries). 101. The Musical Cook. Sm. Suppl. 7. In the foreground of a kitchen sits a young woman, in a yellow jacket and green skirt. She has on a dish in her lap a duck which she has just plucked. She is playing on a pipe to amuse a child at her side. Her skill attracts the attention of a youth, with a staff in his hand, who stands listening. In front are a basket of feathers and a pail with an earthenware pan on it. Various cook- ing utensils are scattered about. "A highly wrought production" (Sm.). [Possibly identical with 108.] In the collection of E. W. Lake, 1842 (Sm.). Sale. E. W. Lake, London, 1845 (69 : 6s., Burton) according to a MS. note by Sm. in his own copy of his catalogue. VOL. V 2 G