Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/467

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xx PIETER VAN SLINGELAND 451 white neckcloth and white cuffs. Beside him is a cat which arches its back at a dog on the left. Landscape background. On a balustrade is a peacock. Panel, 9 inches by 6| inches. Sale. Countess Reigersberg, Cologne, October 15, 1890, No. 142. 106. A Couple at Music. A Dutch lady, seen in profile and dressed in a blue bodice with a white kerchief and a red skirt, with black ribbons in her hair, turns over the leaves of a music-album lying open on her lap. She converses with a young gentleman seated at her side. He is in full face and holds a violin. Oval copper, 8 inches by 6| inches. Sale. J. Hauptmann, Paris, May 4, 1891, No. 48. 107. A LADY AT MUSIC. At a table covered with a Turkey carpet, on which lie a music-book and a violin, sits a lady turning over the pages of music with her right hand. She wears a yellowish gown, with a pink drapery over her left arm and a pearl necklace. The back- ground has been repainted. Panel, 14 inches by n inches. Sale. Raedt van Oldenbarnevelt of The Hague and others, Amsterdam, April 15, 1902, No. 118 (80 florins). 108. A WOMAN PLAYING THE FLUTE IN A DUTCH KITCHEN. Through a stone opening is seen a Dutch kitchen ; a woman plays the flute and a man and a boy listen to her. In front are cooking utensils. An attractive picture. [Possibly identical with loi.j n inches by 9^ inches. Sales. London, May 27, 1897, No. 192 (15 : 7s.). Henry Milner, London, December 6, 1902, No. 36. 109. A GIRL WITH A PARROT. A smiling Dutch girl holds a cage in one hand, while a parrot perches on the forefinger of her other hand. Canvas, 9 inches by 6 inches. In the Copenhagen Museum, 1904 catalogue, No. 322 ; acquired in 1807. 1 1 o. A Lady with a Parrot. A well-dressed lady stands at a stone balustrade, on which she rests her left arm. She holds a parrot on her hand. Near her a curtain is drawn back. In the distance is a garden. [Pendant to 82.] Panel, 8 inches by 6 inches. Sales. Amsterdam, August 6, 1783, No, 73 (19 florins 50, with pendant, Van der Schley). Amsterdam, June 10, 1789, No. 54 (9 florins, Yver). in. A Girl feeding a Parrot. Sm. Suppl. 16. A comely girl, wearing a grey gown, a red skirt, and a neat black cap, stands feeding a parrot beside a table with a cloth. " An exquisitely finished picture " (Sm.).