Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/47

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xvn GERARD TER BORCH 31 Taken to Vienna from Brussels in 1651. In the Imperial Gallery, Vienna, 1906 catalogue, No. 1366. 75. A Lady peeling an Apple. A lady sits peeling an apple at a table with a cover. Her little boy stands beside her, apparently asking her a question. A gardener who enters awaits in a respectful attitude the orders of his mistress. Careful and naturally painted. Panel, 17 inches by 13 inches. Sale. F. J. O. Boymans, Utrecht, August 31, 1811, No. B. 102. 76. THREE SOLDIERS IN A KITCHEN. A soldier is asleep in a kitchen, beside a cask serving as a table. Another soldier in a big grey hat blows smoke into his face. A third soldier at the other side of the cask looks on amused. Panel, 21 1 inches by 15! inches. Exhibited at Berlin, 1890, No. 293. In the Schnitzler collection, Berlin. 76*7. An Old Man, a Woman, and a Sleeping Officer. A comely woman sits at a table, holding a wine-jug and a glass. Beside her are an aged man and a sleeping officer. Well and incisively painted. 14 inches by 1 1 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, June 20, 1810, No. 3 (26 florins, Coders). 77. THE SLEEPING SOLDIER. Sm. 3 and 43. An officer, wearing a cuirass over a buff coat with gold lace on the sleeves, sits with folded arms, asleep. His large hat lies on the floor. Beside him to the right stands a woman, dressed in a dark red velvet jacket trimmed with fur and a silk skirt, who tickles his lips with a hair. A richly dressed trumpeter, who stands on the right holding a trumpet adorned with yellow silk and tassels, with his hat under his arm, is amused at the incident, and scratches his head with his right hand. To the left is a table with straw-covered bottles and candlesticks. In the background are a bed and a chest. Canvas, 25 inches by 2o| inches. Engraved in reverse by W. Chevalier. Exhibited at Leeds, 1868, No. 652 ; and at the Guildhall Art Gallery, London, 1895, No. in. Sales. J. van Tongeren, The Hague, March 24, 1692 (Hoet, i. 13), No. 57 (192 florins). Amsterdam, October 8, 1700 (Hoet, i. 59), No. 3 (90 florins). Adriaen van Hoek, Amsterdam, April 7, 1706, No. 34 (not in Hoet). W. Lormier, The Hague, July 4, 1763 (290 florins). It was in the Lormier collection at The Hague, 1752 (Hoet, ii. 442), and, according to Lormier's storeroom catalogue of December 1754, No. 294, was bought from G. Block (for 210 florins) ; catalogued as on panel. J. C. Pruijssenaar, Amsterdam, December 27, 1814, No. 73. In the possession of Brown, London, 1830 (Sm.). Sale. Lord Myddelton, London, 1851 (299, Lewis).