Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/478

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462 PIETER VAN SLINGELAND SECT. 148. Portrait of a Man. 7 inches by 5^ inches. Sale. (Supplementary) Madame J. van Leeuwaarden, the widow of P. Merkman, Haarlem, September 21, 1773, No. 113. 149. Portrait of a Councillor. He wears a silk robe and leans on a balustrade upon which lie a book and other accessories. Very delicate and finished in style. 9| inches by 7^ inches. Sale. Amsterdam, December 19, 1770, No. 36 (3 -florins 25, Van den Bogaard). 150. Portrait of a Man seated at a Table. His left hand rests on a book lying on the table. With the right hand he makes a gesture as if he is teaching. He wears a black costume, a brown cloak, and three- cornered bands. In the left background is a fine landscape with trees. Delicate and finished. [Pendant to 162.] Panel, 8 inches by 6 inches. Sale. J. Tak, Soeterwoude, September 5, 1781, No. 20 (112 florins, Van der Vinne). 151. Portrait of a Youth. He stands, wearing a rich costume with a sash round his body. His left arm leans on a table, upon which is his plumed hat. Very pleasing and careful. Panel, 8| inches by 7 inches. Sale. J. F. Motte, Amsterdam, August 20, 1794, No. 101 (50 florins, bought in). 152. Portrait of a Gentleman. Half-length. He wears a turban and has a roll of paper in his right hand. Farther away is a column overgrown with green. Very good and carefully painted. Copper, 7 inches by 6 inches. Sale. (Fiseau ?) Amsterdam, August 30, 1797, No. 205 (16 florins, Coders). 152*7. Portrait of a Handsome Youth. Very delicately finished. Panel, 4^ inches by 3^ inches. Sale. Jurriaans, Amsterdam, August 28, 1817, No. 61 ( 100 florins, Meijnts). 152^. Portrait of a Young Man. In rich Spanish dress. Deli- cately painted. Oval panel, 8 inches by 6 inches. Sale. J. Hulswit, Amsterdam, October 28, 1822, No. no (34 florins 50, De Vries). i52c. Portrait of a Gentleman in a Purplish-Red Cloak. Admirably painted. Panel, 9 inches by 6 inches. Sale. Madame J. Stinstra, Amsterdam, July 2, 1829, No. 18 (80 florins, Exfordt).