Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/485

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xx PIETER VAN SLINGELAND 469 Sale. F. Kamermans, Rotterdam, October 3, 1825, No. 90 (20 florins, Lamme). 172. Portrait of a Boy. He sits, with a large black hat, and a book in his hand. 6| inches by 6 inches. Sale. Donati Martini and others, Amsterdam, November 8, 1898, No. 47. 172*7. A Miniature Portrait. Very finely rendered. Sale. M. de Roode, Amsterdam, March 28, 1771, No. 6*. 173. PORTRAIT OF A LADY AND A CHILD. Sm. Suppl. 17. A lady in a tawny yellow silk dress sits, seen almost in full face, at a table, on which she rests her left arm. Beside her stands her child, dressed in green, who looks attentively at the mother. Dated 1686; panel, II inches by 9 inches. Exhibited at Amsterdam, 1900, No. 37. In the Van Winter collection, Amsterdam. In the Six van Hillcgom collection, Amsterdam, 1842 (Sm.). In the collection of J. Six, Amsterdam. 174. PORTRAIT OF A DUTCH FAMILY OF RANK. On the right of a lofty room sits a lady, wearing a light satin skirt and a red jacket trimmed with fur. She is turned to the left and holds a parrot on her left forefinger, while with the right hand she makes a warning gesture to restrain a dog crouched near her on a table with a Turkey carpet. A gentleman in a handsome dress, with long curls and a plumed hat on his head, stands close to the lady behind the table and is also absorbed in restraining the dog. From the left a smiling little boy steps forward to the table, carrying a basket of puppies. In the right middle distance a maid-servant with a little child on her left arm watches the three principal figures. By the back-wall to the left is an arm-chair. Near it is an arched doorway, giving a view of an adjacent room in which is a maid-servant busy with housework. In the immediate foreground to the right a large curtain with a rich pattern is draped. One of Slingeland's most attractive pictures. Signed in full, and dated 1682 ; panel, rounded at top, 17 inches by 12 inches. In the collection at Fredensborg Castle, from which it went to the Copenhagen Museum in 1827. In the Copenhagen Museum, 1904 catalogue, No. 321. 175. Portrait of a Lady with a Boy and a Maid-Servant A richly dressed lady with a boy on her lap. At the back is a maid-servant. Panel. In the collection of Count Czernin von Chudenitz, Vienna, No. 290. 176. Portrait of a Lady and a Girl. In a courtyard sits a comely lady, wearing a silk gown. In front of her stands a girl with a rose in her hand. Farther back is a pleasant view of the distance. Delicately painted.