Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/503

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xxi EGLON HENDRIK VAN DER NEER 487 handsome chimney-piece and a table covered with a Turkey carpet, on which are a mirror and a candlestick. " This is in every respect a super- lative production " (Sm.). Panel, 19 inches by 16 inches. Exhibited in London, 1848, No. 38. Sales. S. Tierens, The Hague, July 23, 1743 (Hoet, ii. 105), No. 128 (6 10 florins). H. van der Vugt, Amsterdam, April 27, 1745 (Hoet, ii. 157), No. 14 (501 florins, M. de Bos). J. van der Linden van Slingeland, Dordrecht, August 22, 1785 (Hoet, ii. 491), No. 289 (2400 florins, Cremer). T. T. Cremer, Rotterdam, April 16, 1816, No. 79 (2500 florins, Lafbntaine). W. Beckford, Fonthill Abbey, 1823 (410). Bought by F. Heusch in or shortly before 1833 (Sm., who says that 630 had been refused for it). In the collection of F. Heusch, London, 1854 (Waagen, ii. 253). Sale. (Possibly) Lord North wick, Thirlestane House, Cheltenham, July 26, 1859, No. 177. 45. A Young Lady at her Toilet. In her dressing-room a young lady sits in an arm-chair, covered with deep red velvet and studded with gilt nails, at a table spread with a Smyrna carpet, on which is a mirror. She wears a white silk jacket with broad pleats, trimmed with red silk, over a yellow silk skirt which is partly hidden. The fair hair on her graceful head is confined by ribbons and a light veil. She is putting on an ear-ring, and giving the last touches to her toilet. A picture of great delicacy. Panel, 14 inches by ii inches. Sale. D. van der Schrieck of Louvain, Brussels, April 8, 1861, No. 69 (1870 francs, Le Roy). 46. A Lady and her Maid. Sm. 17, and Suppl. 3. A lady in a rich and elegant costume of white satin, with low neck and puffed sleeves, and a dark yellow silk skirt, converses with a comely young maid, who hands her a silver ewer on a salver. The lady sits in a red velvet arm- chair, with her back to the spectator. Her fair hair is confined by ribbons, and threaded with blue bows and pearls. She stretches out her right hand a little way to put a mandoline on the table, which is covered with a flowered Smyrna carpet. With a gesture of the left hand, resting, on the back of the chair, she seems to give an order. The black-haired maid, seen in full face, wears a brown silk bodice and a woollen vest. In the background hangs a fine tapestry. Through an arched window, adorned with Caryatides, is seen a castle. A masterpiece of the highest delicacy and finish. Canvas, 16^ inches by 14 inches. Sales. J. Gildemeester, Amsterdam, June II, 1800 (315 florins, B. Kooy). A. van der WerfF van Zuidland, Dordrecht, July 31, l8ll, No. 72 (210 florins, Molanus, for Van der WerfF of Haarlem). Jurriaans, Amsterdam, August 28, 1817, No. 42 (902 florins, Goll).