Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/516

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500 EGLON HENDRIK VAN DER NEER SECT. 100. A COMELY YOUNG LADY WITH A LITTLE DOG. Half-length. She sits turned to the right on an easy-chair. She wears a puffed white satin dress, leaving the neck bare, and showing the pearl necklace. Her fair curls are adorned with narrow ribbons. Her right hand rests on her lap. In her left hand is a little stick ; with this she repulses a spaniel which jumps up at her on the right, and on which her eyes are fixed. Beside her to the right is a table with a Turkey carpet. In the side-wall is a chimney-piece. On the back- wall is a picture near a door. Signed in full ; panel, 10 inches by 8 inches. In the Karlsruhe Gallery, 1894 catalogue, No. 278. 1 01. A LADY WITH A DOG. An elegantly dressed lady, seen to the knees, stands in a park beside a marble pedestal on which is a little spaniel. She wears a white satin gown and a flowing veil j she has dark curls and wears a pearl necklace on her bare neck. With the left hand she raises her skirt ; she quiets the dog, at which she is looking, with a gesture of her right hand. A delicate and graceful picture. Panel, 14 inches by 12 inches. Sales. A. Hulsen and others, Amsterdam, May 17, 1870, No. 63* (295 florins). N. D. Goldsmid of The Hague, Paris, May 4, 1876, No. 98. In the Cologne Museum, 1902 catalogue, No. 697. 102. A YOUNG LADY WITH A PARROT. Sm. 26. Three-quarter length. She sits in a room, holding a plate on her lap. She wears a dark brown velvet bodice trimmed with ermine, and a white satin skirt. She looks at a grey parrot, on a perch at her side, and offers it a piece of orange. On a table with a Turkey carpet at her side are a china jug and a glass. On the other side of the table a maid-servant brings a silver salver and ewer. A sumptuous picture, reminding one strongly of Metsu. Signed in full on the left ; canvas, 12 inches by n inches. In the collection of the Marquess of Bute, London, Richter's 1884 catalogue, No. 121 ; it was there in 1833 (Sm., who valued it at 157 : IDS.). 103. A Lady with a Dog and a Parrot Through a window- opening is seen a comely lady, half dressed, who leans on one hand, and has a little dog on her lap. In front of her is a lace-pillow. At the side of the opening is a grey parrot. Highly finished and tenderly painted. Panel, 9 inches by 7 inches. Sale. De Beehr and Van Leeuwen, Amsterdam, November 14, 1825, No. 71 (ll florins, Huybrechts). 103*. A Lady with a Big Dog. Copper, 8 inches by 5^ inches. Sa/f. Isidor Sachs, Vienna, December 17, 1872, No. 82. 104. An Elegant Woman playing with a Little Dog. She stands in the foreground of a tiled interior, and with her left hand lifts the