Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/73

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xvn GERARD TER BORCH 57 gentleman sings from a sheet of music. At the end of the garden a lady comes forward with a dish of fruit. In front stands a wine-cooler, at which a dog is drinking. Canvas, 29 inches by 33 inches. Described by Sm. in 1842 from the catalogue of the collection of the Duke of Brunswick ; not now in the Brunswick Gallery. 155*. A Fair Woman singing with her Music-Master. In the Von Landauer collection, Stuttgart, 1862 (Parthey, ii. 625). Sale. (Possibly) Faber, Stuttgart, April 28, 1870, No. ill on panel, 9! inches by 8 inches. 156. A Music-Party. In the right foreground sits a young man, facing the spectator. Behind him is a group of ladies at music ; a fashionably dressed man listens to them. On the left sit a couple with a child. At the back a man-servant is pouring out drink at a table set with glasses. The rich costumes, the gentlemen mostly wearing hats and lace collars, the imposing appearance of the hall adorned with pictures, and the admirable arrangement of the various groups, make this carefully painted picture an artistic creation which is of interest for the history of manners. Canvas, 30 inches by 36 inches. Sale. Fiirstenberg and others, Cologne, August 6, 1877, No. 108. 157. A Lady playing the Mandoline. A young lady, seated in profile at a table covered with a Turkey carpet, sings and accompanies herself on the lute. Her fair hair is carefully smoothed down, except for some unruly curls on the brow and on the temples. In her ear is a pearl. She wears a velvet bodice over a red skirt ; a blue coat completes the costume and harmonises with the varying red shades of the bodice and the chair. On the back of this good picture is a cutting from a feuilleton by Jules Janin in the Journal des Debats^ praising the wonderful art of Ter Borch. Panel, 8^ inches by 8 inches. Sale. Prince Demidoff, San Donate, March 15, 1880, No. 1049 (6300 francs). 158. A BOY CLEANING HIS DOG'S COAT. Sm. 56.- A boy with long hair sits on a low chair in a homely room, cleaning his dog's coat from vermin. On a chopping-block to the left lie writing materials and a book. A light hat is on a small bench in front. The bare walls are broken on the left by a window-recess. Signed on the left at foot with the monogram j canvas on panel, 14 inches by io inches. Copies are recorded 1. In the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 1911 catalogue, No. 577 on panel, 14^ inches by 11 inches; from the Van der Hoop collection. 2. In the Schloss, Schwerin, 1836 (Parthey, ii. 627) on canvas, 15 inches by 12 inches.