Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/84

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68 GERARD TER BORCH SECT. Sales. -G. Muller, Amsterdam, April 2, 1827, No. 68 (1200 florins, Nieuwenhuys). Nieuwenhuys, London, 1833 (127 : IS 0- 183*. The Letter. A fine composition ; good colouring. Sa&.Ant. Sils, Antwerp, March 21, 1882, No. 90. 183^. A Man seated at a Table, writing a Letter. 17 inches by 13 inches. Sale. London, May 13, 1893, No. 89. 183*:. A Lady handing a Letter to a Maid-Servant A lady in a grey jacket sits with a dog in her lap. She hands a letter to a maid- servant standing beside her. Panel, 13 inches by 12 inches. Sales. London, December 3, 1904, No. 112 (1680, Willis). W. J. Farrer and others, London, March 1 6, 1907, No. 120 (168, Gloucester). 183^. A Lady reading a Letter. A lady sits reading a letter. In front of her stands a man with a stick. Canvas, 2o| inches by 17! inches. Sales. H. van der Vugt, Amsterdam, April 27, 1745 (Hoet, ii. 157), No. 1 6 (255 florins, De Bosch). Abraham van Twist and others, Amsterdam, September 11, 1822, No. 1 02*. J. Roelofs, Amsterdam, March 8, 1824, No. 149 (23 florins). Sir Robert Loder, Bart., London, May 29, 1908, No. 536 (21, Glen). 184. A Lady reading a Letter, and a Messenger. Sm. 45. A young lady sits leaning her right arm on a table and reading a letter which a messenger has brought her. The messenger stands on the opposite side of the table, awaiting her answer. The lady wears a bright blue velvet jacket bordered with ermine, a grey skirt braided with black velvet, and a loose white cap. On the table are a mirror and other articles of the toilet. In the background is the hearth. The original has disappeared. Described from a copy on panel, 20 inches by 14^ inches in the Lyons Museum, 1903 catalogue, No. 1 88, which came from the Eynard collection, Paris, in 1821. Sm. describes a "very excellent picture" on canvas, 18 inches by 14 inches as purchased from Eynard and in the Lyons Museum, 1833 (and as worth 420). 185. A Lady writing a Letter (or, The Suspicious Lover). A lady, facing the spectator, sits at a table writing. On the table are a candlestick, an inkpot, and a sheet of paper. Behind her is a young man who looks over her shoulder at what she is writing. He holds his hat in both hands. To the left is a chair. To the right is a half-opened door. The original has disappeared.