Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/86

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7 o GERARD TER BORCH SECT. Sales. Bcaujon, Paris, 1782 (4600 francs). Proley, Paris, 1787 (6500 francs). London, 1819 (278 : 55.). London, 1820 (210, Stuart Wortley). In the collection of Lord Wharncliffe, London, 1833 (Sm.) ; bought as a whole in 1841 by Sm., who sold this picture to Lord F. Egerton. In the collection of Lord Francis Egerton, London, 1842. In the collection of the Earl of Ellesmere, Bridgewater House, London, No. 198. i88<7. A Picture with a Page. Sale. Johan van Tongeren, The Hague, March 24, 1692 (Hoet, i. 15), No. 58 (100 florins). . A Party of Three Persons. Sale. Amsterdam, May 16, 1696 (Hoet, i. 35), No. 23 (80 florins). iSSc. A Party in a Room. Sale. Isaak van den Blooken, Amsterdam, May II, 1707 (Hoet, i. 100), No. 35 (32 florins). i88//. A Party. A good picture. Sale. Adriaen Bout, The Hague, August n, 1733 (Hoet, i. 394), No. 133. 1 88*. A Party of Five Persons. 28 inches by 27^ inches. Sale. Isaak Hoogenbergh, Amsterdam, April 10, 1743 (Hoet, ii. 83), No. 37 (125 florins, Beukelaar). i88/ A Party of Eight Persons. Sale. D. N. A. Z., The Hague, November 24, 1744 (Hoet, ii. 152), No. ii (6 1 florins, Hoet). 1 8 8^. An Officer and Two Ladies. 38^ inches by 36^ inches. In the collection of Johannes Lubbeling, Amsterdam, 1752 (Hoet, ii. 518). i88A. A Party. 1 8 inches by 14 inches. Sale. B. Cronenburgh and others, Amsterdam, March 22, 1762, No. ii (33 florins 10, Meyer). 189. A Lady dancing. In a room a young lady, in white satin embroidered with gold, gracefully practises a dance. A good, broadly painted picture. 32 inches by 28 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, December 19, 1770, No. 37 (9 florins 10, J. Wubbels). 190. A Party in the Open Air. On the right foreground of a grassy hill a party of thirteen sit or stand, eating and drinking. A gentleman kneels to carve a ham. Behind him a man-servant pours wine from an old-fashioned jug. Two little dogs crouch near. The party are dressed