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ɱ̍the 139th psalm, prophetic of the Passion and representing Our Redeemer praying to His Eternal Father, is then sung by the choir.

Three priests clad as deacons, but without dalmatics enter the Sanctuary to sing the dramatic recitation of the Passion, which is the history of the sufferings of the Saviour as recorded in the Gospel of St. John, the only Evangelist present at the awful scenes, and therefore giving testimony as an eye witness. For a description of the chant of this Passion, see the paper on "Tenebræ." At the conclusion the deacon sings a few verses, but without asking the blessing or having lights or incense.

It is usual for a sermon to be preached on the Passion on Good Friday. After the sermon follow the prayers.

II. The Prayers.—The Church following the example set her by the one Mediator of the world in his Passion, prays for all mankind, for all classes and persons, as Christ dying on the Cross offered up to his Eternal Father for all mankind prayers and supplications with a strong cry and tears. [Heb. V., 7.]

Each of these prayers is introduced by a few words which shows its object. The deacon bids the faithful kneel down, and the sub-deacon tells them to rise and unite in the prayers made by the priest who prays for all orders and degrees, for the whole Church; for the Holy Father, its visible head; for all bishops, priests, deacons and other clergy, for confessors, virgins, widows and all other congregated portions of the faithful; for temporal sovereigns; for catechumens; for the removal of error, of disease and famine; to entreat the liberation of captives; safe return of travellers; health for the sick; the safe arrival of all those who are upon the ocean; for the grace of conversion; for heretics, schismatics, for Jews also, that on this day of mercy, the blood which their fathers desired might be upon them and their children, might indeed come upon the descendants in streams