Page:Home; or, The unlost paradise (IA homeorunlostpara00palm).pdf/112

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  Nor are ye lonely left. One daughter still,
Fair Ella, youngest of the household band,
Like some bright minister of heavenly love,
Each morning greets you, fresh herself as morn,
And watches, all the day, if she may read,
In look, or motion, even your rising wish!
Or with some sweet surprise may light a smile
On your calm reverend brows, perchance provoke
To merry laughter, never hard the task.
A kind good-night she says when silent hours
Call you to tranquil sleep. Good-morrow sweet
She bids you with each dawn. For you she lives;
Herself forgets; forgets the brilliant halls
Where Fashion holds her court, ever best pleased
With acts of filial duty done, she seems.
Nor till her eyes shall see you pass the gates
Of life eternal, shall aught else divide
Her constant heart, whose every beating pulse
Tells that for you her very life-blood flows!
O faithful love! that, self-devoted, deems