Page:Home; or, The unlost paradise (IA homeorunlostpara00palm).pdf/118

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When hearts long loving and in love made one
Are each from other rudely rent away!
Yet Faith can triumph here, and calmly say—
"Thy will be done!" can hear the symphonies
Soft floating on the air, from unseen harps,
That welcome to the invisible host of God
Another sister spirit, pure and free!
She is translated—and with Christ abides!

  Edward, not long shall Earth detain thee now!
Her lights grow dim, and like a vision fade
Her transient glories; heavenward look thine eyes.
Thou wouldst not linger, and the hour is nigh
When thou shalt hear kind voices bid thee—come!
And see, beyond the flood, thy Mary stand
With arms outstretched to beckon thee away!
Then, Ella, thy dear, loving hand shall close
Thy father's dying eyes; that placid brow
With thy last filial tears thou shalt bedew,
Thy filial tasks all done. Then farewell Home!
Thy Home from infancy, through long, long years,