Page:Home; or, The unlost paradise (IA homeorunlostpara00palm).pdf/124

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Changed only as made richer in its flow
And deeper far; as if, checked for a time
By separation, it the while had swelled,
Till ready, like a flood, to force its way.
These shall such greeting give thee as shall thrill
Thy raptured spirit, ne'er again to know
Unquenched affection's thirst; while high above
Thou seest writ in words of flashing light:
"No pang, no death, no partings, evermore!"

  Heaven! 'Tis no misty dream. What mortal eye—
Unlifted yet the veil—hath never seen,
Nor can, with keenest glance; what mortal ear,
Though listening all attent, hath never heard,
Even in faint echoes, God himself hath shown
To loving hearts and true. By visions clear
And words celestial, whispered soft and sweet
In the rapt spirit's depths, revealed have been
Mysteries of life and beauty, love and joy,
That from of old await the sons of God,
Their heritage, reserved till their glad feet