Page:Home; or, The unlost paradise (IA homeorunlostpara00palm).pdf/19

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Of human kind sole tenant of the wild,
The lordly savage reigned, and urged the chase,
Of useful toil impatient; or, when war
Roused his dark passions, from his ambuscade
Treacherous he darted, and, with horrid yell,
Vengeful and unrelenting scalped his foe.
No peaceful Home was then. The dingy squaw,
The menial of her lord, now left to guard
The smoky wigwam, now with blows compelled
Him vagrant to attend with weary load,
Dragged out, a semi-brute, her wretched life.

  For man, for woman, God all-good ordained
A worthier destiny. By sacred ties,
In household life and harmony of love
He formed them to be joined; society
Made sure by nature's law; and so decreed
That states and kingdoms should successive rise;
That mind with mind in sympathy should wake
New energies, the needs of men impel
To foster arts, and search creation through