Page:Home; or, The unlost paradise (IA homeorunlostpara00palm).pdf/48

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The living air of joy, that whoso breathes
Shall seem, as by enchantment, warmed and filled
With genial gladness. Here, by thee beguiled,
The troubled brow shall lose its furrows, deep
By cares inwrought; the heavy heart grow light
And gather strength and courage for new toils.
Music with sounding string and richest strain,
And Poesy with all her visions rare,
And kindred arts whose simplest gifts may please,
Shall blend their charms to grace thy queenly state,
Obedient to thy summons. Nor shall Mirth
Withhold her ringing laugh when thou shalt call;
But, with all innocent pleasures in her train,
Shall come to visit thee and lend her aid
To make thy court earth's fairest, happiest spot.

  Yet not to listless ease, nor pleasure's round,
The life inane that pampered luxury
Elsewhere delights to lead, thy realm be given.
This is thy pride, New England, that thy Homes
With healthful industries did e'er abound.