Page:Homer's Battle of the Frogs and Mice - Parnell (1717).djvu/52

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BATTLE of the
Plunging he sinks, and struggling mounts again,
120 And sinks, and strives, but strives with Fate in vain.
The weighty Moisture clogs his hairy Vest,
And thus the Prince his dying Rage exprest.
Nor thou, that flings me flound'ring from thy Back,
As from hard Rocks rebounds the shatt'ring Wrack,
125 Nor thou shalt 'scape thy Due, perfidious King!
Pursu'd by Vengeance on the swiftest Wing:
At Land thy Strength could never equal mine,
At Sea to conquer, and by Craft, was thine.
But Heav'n has Gods, and Gods have searching Eyes:
130 Ye Mice, ye Mice, my great Avengers rise!
This said, he sighing gasp'd, and gasping dy'd.
His Death the young Lychopinax espy'd,
As on the flow'ry Brink he pass'd the Day,
Bask'd in the Beams, and loyter'd Life away:
135 Loud shrieks the Mouse, his Shrieks the Shores repeat;
The nibbling Nation learn their Heroe's Fate:
