Page:Homer in a Nutshell, or, His War Between the Frogs and the Mice - Parker (1700).djvu/23

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HOMER in a Nutshell.


Forth from each Camp two stalking Heralds came,
The near approach of Battle to proclaim.
Behind shrill Hornets, musical and large,
Tumultuous Clangors mingling sound the Charge:
While Saturn's Son their Arms to dignify
Rowls ominous Thunder through the ratling Sky.

First fell gigantick Crambeef in the Van,
A daring Chief, his length near half a Span,
Struck by a Lance from Gabberillo sent;
It pierc'd his Paunch and through the Liver went.
The Champion's Fall resounding Earth bespeaks,
And clotted Dust deforms his grov'ling Cheeks.
Rough Skulk a Jav'lin next at Bungy threw,
Hissing it pass'd, and through his Corslet flew:
Down, down he sinks; his eager Heart transfix'd
Spews out sweet Life with purple Oceans mixt.
At old Lapcustard Grub a Shaft let fly,
Which glancing through his Temples reach'd his Eye:
An easy Conquest instant Fate obtain'd,
And clos'd the Luminary that remain'd.
At bulky Groggle fierce Bisketto cast
A Spear, which singing int' his Garbage past.
