Page:Homer in a Nutshell, or, His War Between the Frogs and the Mice - Parker (1700).djvu/26

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HOMER in a Nutshell.

Codrillo's Ankles felt the batt'ring Mass,
And groaning hoarse he dropt into the Grass.
Duke Dabble brook'd not this unnat'ral Deed,
But fiercely brandishing his pointed Reed,
Inch-deep into the Cawl his Highness struck,
And with the Lance drew out Imperial Pluck.
Grave Brewis on a verdant Ridge reclin'd
To sooth his Wounds, felt greater in his Mind.
The mangled Monarch much his Sight offends,
And rather than be butcher'd like his Friends,
Into the Dike he chearfully descends.
Old Snapcrust, as gay Bogrill vaunting stood,
Wounded his Foot: The Boaster saw the Blood,
Perceiv'd the Smart, and took in hast the Flood.
Snapcrust precipitantly to pursue
Th' unfinish'd Work of Death e'en stept in too.
Stern Didap, when he saw the King distrest,
Through the wild Tumult of the Battle prest,
And tost his taper Weapon, though in vain;
The sounding Target sent it back again.
But none of the Pypickians might compare
For Backsword or Sasa with Scamblefare,
Undaunted Scamblefare the dear Delight
Of surly Mars, and Son to Gristlebite.
Boasting he stemm'd the War's impetuous Tide,
Prevailing more than all the Mice beside.
On the rais'd Bank he struts: Thence threat'ning lowd
Portends Excision to the croaking Crowd:
And had much more than menac'd (for his Word
Was ne'r too big or little for his Sword)
