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LC04/2011-12 Encl. 1

(Reproduced from Tsang, Steve (ed.) (1995) Government and Politics, Hong Kong University Press)

Letters Patent (The Hong Kong Charter) 1843 (source: CO129/2)

Victoria, by the GRACE of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, — GREETING KNOW YE — that We, of our Special Grace, certain knowledge, and mere motion, have thought fit to erect and do hereby erect our Island of Hong Kong and its Dependencies, situate between twenty-two degrees nine minutes, and twenty-two degrees twenty-one minutes North Latitude, and the one hundred and fourteenth degree eighteen minutes East Longtitude from the Meridian of Greenwich, into a Colony, and the said Island and its Dependencies is hereby erected into a separate Colony accordingly, to be known and designated at 'the Colony of Hong Kong'.

AND WE DO hereby further grant, appoint, and ordain, that the Governor, for the time being, of the said Colony, and such other Persons as are hereinafter designated, shall constitute, and be a Legislative Council for the said Colony: And We do hereby direct and appoint, that in addition to the said Governor, the said Legislative Council shall be composed of such Public Officers within the said Colony, or of such other Persons within the same, as shall from time to time be named or designated for that purpose, by Us, by any Instruction of Instructions, or Warrant, or Warrants, to be by Us for that purpose issued under Our Signet and Sign Manual, and with the advice of Our Privy Councillor, shall hold their places in the said Council, at our pleasure: And we do hereby grant and ordain, that the Governor for the time being, of the said Colony, with the advice of the said Legislative Council, shall have full power and authority to make and enact all such laws and Ordinances as may from time to time be required for the Peace, Order, and good Government of the said Colony of Hong-Kong: And that, in making all such laws and Ordinances, the said Governor shall exercise all such powers and authorities; and that the said Legislative Council shall conform to, and observe all such rules and regulations as We, with the advice of Our Privy Council, shall from time to time, make for his and their guidance therein: Provided, nevertheless, and We do hereby reserve to Ourselves, our Heirs and Successors, our and their right and authority to disallow any such Ordinances in the whole or in part, and to make and establish from time to time, with the advice and consent of Parliament, or with the advice of our or their Privy Council, all such Laws as may to Us, to them, appear necessary, for the Order, Peace, and good Government of our said Island and its Dependencies, as full as if these Presents had not been made: And, whereas, it is expedient, that an Executive Council should be appointed to advise and assist the Governor of our said Colony of Hong-Kong, for the time being, in the administration of the Government thereof — We do therefore, by these, our Letters Patent, authorizing the Governor of said Colony, for the time being, to summon as an Executive Council, such Persons as may from time to time be named or designated by Us, in any Instructions under Our Signet and Sign Manual, addressed to him in that behalf: And We, do hereby authorize and empower the Governor of Our said Colony of Hong Kong, for the time being, to keep and use the Public Seal appointed for the Sealing of all things whatsoever that shall pass the Seal of our said Colony: And we do hereby give and grant to the Governor of our said Colony of Hong-Kong, for the time being, full power and authority in our name and on