Page:Honore Willsie--Judith of the godless valley.djvu/347

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"I'm glad you were kind to him! You have been wise and kind in many ways, Doug, and you are only a boy. I believe Peter is right in saying you are going to be a big man."

"Shucks! Peter doesn't know that all the good there is in me is built on you."

"That isn't true," contradicted Judith. "You're big within yourself. Even Inez said that."

Douglas grunted and his voice was without enthusiasm as he said, "Inez can't see anything straight that is related to love. I'll admit she's dangerously interesting. If I hadn't always been caring for you, she might have got me twisted the same as she has you."

"I'm not twisted," protested Judith stoutly. "I'm just not afraid to see marriage as it is. Sordid!"

"Inez!" sniffed Douglas.

"Let's not begin that again!" exclaimed Judith. "Just love me, Douglas, and let me go away."

He drewlier closer still. "Love you!" he repeated in his quiet voice. "You might as well tell me to breathe or my heart to keep on beating. I haven't done anything else since the day I drove the preacher out of the schoolhouse. Even when I've tried to stop caring, I couldn't do it!" with a whimsical smile. "Do you remember how I wouldn't let you go with Dad to feed the yearlings?"

"Yes, I remember because from that moment you were a little different from other Lost Chief men in my mind. Tell me some more."

Douglas stared at the fire, going in retrospect over the long, long fight, the fight that still was only half over.