Page:Hope-indiscretions of duchess.djvu/173

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passion in him closer to the surface now and near on boiling up through the thin film of his self-restraint:

“So long as I live, you shall never see her.”

But I cared not, for my heart leaped in joy at his words. They meant to me that he dared not let me see her; that, be the meaning of her consent to go with him what it might, yet he dared not match his power over her against mine. And whence came the power he feared? It could be mine only if I had touched her heart.

“I presume she may see whom she will,” said I still carelessly.

“Her mother will protect her from you with my help.”

There was silence for a minute. Then I said:

“I will not leave here without seeing her.”

And a pause followed my words till the duke, fixing his eyes on mine, answered significantly:

“If you leave here alive to-night, you are welcome to take her with you.”

I understood, and I nodded my head.

“My left arm is as sound as yours,” he added; “and, maybe, better practiced.”

Our eyes met again, and the agreement was sealed. The duke was about to speak again, when a sudden thought struck me. I put my hand in my pocket and drew out the Cardinal’s Necklace. And I flung it on the table before me, saying:

“Let me return that to you, sir.”

The duke stood regarding the necklace for a