Page:Horace's Art of Poetry made English - Roscommon (1680).djvu/25

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( 17 )

But then they did not wrong themselves so much,
To make a God, a Hero, or a King,
(Stripp'd of his golden Crown and purple Robe)
Descend to a Mechanick Dialect,
Nor (to avoid such meanness) soaring high
With empty sound, and aiery notions fly;
For, Tragedy should blush as much to stoop
To the low Mimmick follies of a Farce,
As a grave Matron, would to dance with Girles:
You must not think that a Satyrick Stile
Allows of scandalous and brutish Words,
Or the confounding of your Characters.
Begin with Truth, then give Invention scope,
And if your Stile be natural and smooth,
All men will trie, and hope to write as well;
And (not without much pains) be undeceiv'd.
So much good Method and Connexion may
