Page:Hornung - Irralies Bushranger.djvu/134

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"To let no one dream it was you—to go straight to your room and stop there till broad daylight!"

"I promise—I promise."

"Lives may depend upon it! Good-by, then. God knows how I've deceived you! I never hope to be forgiven!"

"Oh, go—go! You are breaking my heart!"

She caught and wrung his extended hand, then flung it from her with a sudden gesture of despair. A touch with his heels, and he was gone at an amble; a greater pace would have increased sound and risk alike; and yet even the gentle rhythm of those unshod, ambling hoofs was like thunder in the ears of Irralie. Others must hear! She crushed her thumbs into her ears and stood like one demented. When she removed them the sound was fainter, and still there was no other. She waited, however, with hardly a breath until all was still but her own heart, and a locust in the pines. Then for a space