Page:Hornung - Irralies Bushranger.djvu/41

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breath away. Why should you doubt my word?"

He laughed, but he had colored first.

"Because I can't help it!" replied the girl, with a little gasp which she would have given her few possessions to prevent.

"Be frank with me, Miss Villiers. Tell me candidly what it is that makes you suspect me of—of whatever you do suspect?"

She shook her head; she would not or she could not speak; but her fine, unfaltering eyes never left his nor relaxed for one instant their soul-searching scrutiny.

"Was it about those papers?" pursued the other.

"That—for one thing."

"I see. You think I never had them at all!"

"I think you never would have thought of a lost overcoat if I hadn't put the words into your mouth!"

There was a pause; and the man's face showed, as plainly as rent sail or splintered spar, that the shot had gone home.