Page:Hornung - Irralies Bushranger.djvu/85

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The new owner was cut short as he rose to give her his chair.

"Don't Miss Villiers me! I'm far too hot to be reminded I'm all that—or to sit down, thanks all the same. I came to say the next two are ours."


"Yes; and you don't need to look like that, or you'll make Mrs. Browne more ashamed of me than she is already. Oh, I know you didn't ask me—I can't help that! I'm simply too hot to dance another step till I've had a good long rest in the cool. And, as I can't possibly ask the able-bodied to give up their pleasure for me, I appeal to you. Come and get me something to drink, and bring Mrs. Browne as well!"

The face of the lady of Quandong was a study of the first order. It is true that the girl was unfashionably excited, and very likely her speech was all it appeared to Mrs. Browne, who, however, did not know how much of it had been made for her benefit. Nor could she doubt but that her late