Page:Hornung - The amateur cracksman (Scribner, 1905).djvu/278

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The Amateur Cracksman

"Not quite."

"Then—you remember the pearl you wrote the——"

I did not wait for him to finish his sentence.

"You've got it!" I cried, my face on fire, for I caught sight of it that moment in the stateroom mirror.

Raffles seemed taken aback,

"Not yet," said he; "but I mean to have it before we get to Naples."

"Is it on board?"


"But how—where—who's got it?"

"A little German officer, a whipper-snapper with perpendicular moustaches."

"I saw him in the smoke-room."

"That's the chap; he's always there. Herr Captain Wilhelm von Heumann, if you look in the list. Well, he's the special envoy of the emperor, and he's taking the pearl out with him!"

"You found this out in Bremen?"

"No, in Berlin, from a newspaper man I know there. I'm ashamed to tell you, Bunny, that I went there on purpose!"