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move the horses of an English Lord. A loud laugh was the only answer my servant returned. He locked the stable, and having put the key coolly into his pocket, was going to step into the house. The Duke's servants seeing themselves treated with so much disrespect, grew furious; and the contest soon became so clamorous and warm, that the Peer, hearing the voices of his people, opened the window of his bed-chamber, and desired to know the cause of their quarrel. Being informed of Alfonso's temerity, he ordered him, in a domineering accent, to deliver up the key, and to put his horses into another stable. The servants exulted already at their supposed victory; but Alfonso pleaded, with the greatest civility, his prior claims to the stable, and declared that he rather would lose his life than give up the key. The Peer being highly exasperated at his obstinacy, ordered his servants to take it from him by force; and his people having only waited for the sig-nal