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him; and if he sees himself disappointed in his sanguine expectations, the cure of his passion will soon be effected."

He told me, therefore, laughing, "I perceive, Marquis, I shall have an opportunity to act here the same part you undertook from friendship for me in our winter quarters." But apprehending his untimely joke would offend me, he added, in a soothing accent, "yet I hope, Carlos, you will repose confidence in me!" He accompanied these words with a hearty squeeze of his hand, which I returned cordially. Mean while we were arrived at the village, and dismounted at the inn. While I retired to a private apartment, to give audience to my thoughts, the Count mixed with the people of the house, and having made several inquiries concerning the Lord of the Manor, wrote the following note in my name, and sent it to the castle.

"The Marquis of G****** has had the honour to be intimately acquainted with aMr.