Page:Horse shoes and horse shoeing.djvu/492

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improvement, as the two occupations were closely allied with the conservation and utility of the horse.[1]

In the 17th century, many publications on veterinary medicine and farriery were published, among which may be mentioned those of Francini,[2] Dumesnil[3], Beaugrand,[4], Espinay,[5] Prome,[6] Beaumont,[7] and Delcampe.[8]

But the most distinguished treatise of the century was perhaps that of Solleysel.[9] This had an immense success, was translated into every cultivated language in Europe, and became the oracle of the veterinary surgeons and horsemen of those days. Although this hippiatrist is largely indebted to the writings of Cæsar Fiaschi; and though anatomy and physiology enter but little into his writings, yet there is a good deal of originality in the matter of shoeing, evidencing a tendency to place that art upon a scientific basis; but the high estimation in which it had been previously held was apparently on the wane. Solleysel, while attaching to its practice great importance, being persuaded that every squire, gentleman, or other person having good and fine horses 'ne doit ignorer l'ordre et la methode qu'il faut tenir pour les bien ferrer, afin que s'il ne peut avoir un bon maréchal, il puisse ordonner de quelle manière ils doivent être ferrés

  1. Amlert, Equisses Historiq. sur l'Armée Françaises, p. 68. Saumur, 1837.
  2. Hippiatrique. Paris, 1607.
  3. L'Art de la Maréchalerie. Paris, 1628.
  4. Le Maréchal Expert. Lyons, 1633.
  5. Le Grand Maréchalerie. Paris, 1642.
  6. Le Grand Maréchal Française. Paris, 1662.
  7. Le Nouveau Parfait Maréchal. Paris, 1660.
  8. Art de Monter à Cheval. Paris, 1663.
  9. Le Parfait Maréchal. Paris, 1664.