Page:Horse shoes and horse shoeing.djvu/591

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facility for the former than the latter, and also owing to its requiring less time, we are of opinion that in the army, as everywhere else, the preference must be given to the ferrure à chaud.'

Lafosse, Bourgelat, Chabert, Gohier, Rainard, Reynal, Delafond, Renault, Bouley, and Rey—in fact, all the most distinguished veterinary professors or practitioners who have studied the subject—have unhesitatingly given the preference to the mode of fitting the shoe while hot.

The Central Society of Veterinary Medicine of France, composed certainly of men most competent to judge, after discussing this question in 1846, came to the following conclusions, which were accepted unanimously by the profession:—

'1. The ferrure à chaud is undoubtedly superior to the ferrure à froid, executed in the manner recommended and practised at this time, in that it always allows the workman to make the shoe to fit the foot—a fundamental rule in good farriery, and an immense advantage that the ferrure à froid does not offer.

'2. The cold shoeing, as now practised, at the same time that it is generally more difficult and requires a longer time, is for this reason more expensive, while it is generally less solid and less durable.

'3. Nevertheless, skilfully practised by an able workman, cold shoeing may be resorted to without much danger, and even with benefit, in some exceptional cases.

'4. The inconveniences attributed to the hot shoeing are also applicable to the cold method, excepting always burning the sole.