Page:Horse shoes and horse shoeing.djvu/715

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Cæsar Fiaschi, treatise on farriery, 444.

Calc-rond, 277.

Caliburn, 344.

Camels, shod with leather, 27, 41, 42, 60; hide of, for horse socks, 60.

Cape of Good Hope, no shoes used at, 9, 33.

Carriages buried with men, 113, 126, 250.

Cartulary of Besançon, 373.

Cassivelaunus, 237.

Cast-iron shoes, 544.

Castration, influence of, on hoofs, 222.

Catullus, mention of mule-shoeing, 61

Celtic shoes, characteristics of, 141.

Celts, cognisant of art of shoeing, 366.

Changes in the art of war, 615.

Chariots, first used, 41; Grecian, 75; Gaulish, 123; ancient British, 235.

Charlemagne, 159; capitulary, 160; traditions, 161.

Charles II., escape of, 453.

Charles Martel, 159.

Charlier's method of shoeing,574,673.

Chatelard, 144.

Châteleys, excavations at, 129.

Chaucer, sporting monks, 279; Lombard horses, 430.

Chavannes, 167.

Chedworth, Roman villa and shoes found at, 256.

Childeric, King, horse-shoe found in tomb of, 99.

Chinese shoeing, 229.

Chivalry, institution of, 163; most glorious period in annals of, 428; origin of, 617.

Christopher, Duke, escape of, 401.

Churches, shoes on doors of, 387, 425, 451.

Circassians, 210.

Circular shoes, 145, 222; Uzbecks, 228.

Cirencester, antiquities found at, 259.

Clark, Bracy, on shoeing, 528.

Clark, J., on shoeing, 506.

Clips, toe, 170, 438, 494; heel, 527.

Clovis, 156.

Coal, not burnt near London, 410.

Cochet, Abbé, on horse-shoes, 142, 146; Frankish graves, 158; hipposandals, 299, 310

Cold shoeing in Arabia, 216; in Europe, 493.

Coleman on shoeing, 518.

Colum Zoba (Columb the smith), 350.

Columba, Saint, a smith, 350.

Columbus Coilriginus, 350.

Conderum, shoes found at, 264.

Contracted hoofs, cause of, 477, 499; cure of, 469, 496, 504, 527.

Cotswold Hills, old shoe found on, 255.

Courier, P. L., translation of Xenophon, and remarks on shoeing, 33.

Crécy, shoes from battle-field of, 148.

Crescent shoes, 497.

Crescentius, Petrus de, on shoeing, 395.

Cromlechs, 341.

Cutting, prevention of, 504.

Cuvier, on domestication of horse, 3.

Danish retreat from Schleswig, 621.

Date of invention of horse-shoes, 333, 338.

Dega, Saint, 350.

Delafond, experiments in shoeing, 568.

Denmark, antiquity of shoeing in, 207.

Dextriers, 428.

Dimetian Code, 268.

Diocletian, edict regulating payment of mulomedicus, 51.

Dogs, socks for travelling in snow, 27; buried with people, 122.

Domesday book, mention of smiths in, 354.

Doncaster, Lord, silver shoes on horse of, 442.

Doors, nailing shoes upon, 383.

Dove, remains found in, 412.

Drawing-knife, 505.

Druidical remains found at Châteleys, 130.

Druids, study anatomy, 338; suppression of, 153.

Duergars, 340.

Dull O Gwynedd, 266.

Durham, farrier to bishopric of, 379.

Earl of Pembroke, 507.

Eastern nations, antiquity of shoeing with, 210.

Eberhard, Duke of Wurtemberg, horse of, shod with gold shoes, 443.

Ecuyer, duties of, 163, 372, 428.

Edgar, King, laws of, 354.

Egwin, Saint, preaching to smiths, 349.

Egypt, ancient sculptures, 11.