An Effective Finish fuls of confetti through it. Then, putting the cover on one end, he proceeds to fill the tube
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with confetti. Leveling off the heaped confetti with the top of the tube, he steps forward and draws up from the open end a silk flag attached to a pole three or four feet high, hav- ing spiral red, white and blue stripes, like a barber-pole. After waiting a moment for applause, he contiuues to extend the pole upwards till it reaches a height of thirty or forty feet. (See Fig. 12.) Explanation. — Two tubes and covers are used, one being unpre- pared and the other arranged as fol- lows : Procure a double roll of wall- paper which has a pure white back, and cut it into four pieces. This will give you four small rolls four and a half inches long, each roll containing fifty-four feet. You will need only one and the others may be put aside for future use. Paint a red stripe along one edge