up the second pellet, and as you place it in the right hand leave the hidden ball also. This time you really throw away the third hall, produce the three and show both hands empty.
The passing of the large ball is an entirely different trick, but you should make it appear that it is only an enlargement of the above.
Roll up the four balls and place them on the floor as in the above description. Hold the two hats by the rims with the thumbs on top and the fingers underneath. Remark that it does not make any difference which ones you cover, at the same time holding the hats first over one pair and then over another, passing quickly from one to the other. At last bring the hat held in the right hand over the ball in the upper corner on that side in such a way that the back of your fingers rest on the ball, and, clipping a fold of this ball between the middle fingers, draw the hand away from the hat with the ball held on the back. At the same instant pass the hat held in the left hand over to the right, so that when the hand comes from beneath the first hat the other is above it, and