As this book is not a history of crime or criminals, to those wishing to read positive facts of great criminals, and all of them have either died in the poorhouse or are yet counting the weary days in prison cells, divorced from wife, from children, and from all ties that human beings hold so dear, I can safely call attention to the book called "Our Rival the Rascal!" written by my friend Chief Inspector of Police, Wm. B. Watts, of Boston, Mass. This book is the greatest book on the subject that I have ever seen. I happened to have a copy with me in Berlin, when the royal police, hearing that I had the book in the country, asked me as a favor to allow them to make extracts and photograph some of the famous criminals in the book.
This I allowed them to do and in return they handed me several photos of well-known criminals to send to Chief Inspector, Wm. B. Watts. In order to put a finish to this chapter, it can be said that IT DOES NOT PAY TO LEAD A DISHONEST LIFE, and to those who read this book, although it will inform them "The Right Way to Do Wrong," all I have to say is one word and that is "DON'T."
"Yus, my poor brother had no eddication, and it wur his ruin!"
"How was that?"
"He forged a name on a check, an' the spellin' wur bad."